Get to know Solomon and Clara

Lighthouse Project Directors (Chennai India)

 As a child Solomon grew up next to an orphanage where he befriended many of the orphan kids. Together they played, studied, and worshipped God. And, as Solomon got to know his friends, he wondered where they came from and how they would survive when they left their orphanage.

Solomon was also affected by the many orphans brought by community members to his father’s church in an effort to find them homes, food, and better care than the street could offer. The church had great difficulty finding orphanages that could take them in because there were so few spaces available in the existing orphanages.

As he grew up Solomon remained close to the church and saw what was going on in the streets of his youth and around every corner. This and memories of his childhood friends fed Solomon’s hunger to provide food, clothing, education and a healthy living environment to underprivileged and neglected kids.

In 1995 Solomon returned from missionary training in Papua New Guinea and married Clara. Clara inherited a house from her parents, and Solomon knew they wanted to use the house for a good cause. When Solomon's father, Pastor Devasitham, had a dream about God giving Solomon and Clara an orphan home, the plan was set.

This was the vision they had been waiting for and they began at once to turn their small house into a home for India's most vulnerable little ones.

After registering with the government, Lighthouse Children’s Home officially started with six children and two staff. In those early days they scraped by with money from Clara's inheritance and rice from Solomon's father’s paddy field.

Solomon and Clara’s unfailing love and trust in God has led to incredible change in countless lives. Their ministry is ever growing and faithfully works to serve and love on those with little hope.