Board of Directors

  • President

    Brenna has received her MA in Clinical Counseling and is working to start her career as a therapist. She has worked in therapeutic settings, in the outdoor industry, and with equine. Brenna has had a connection to Hearts Flourishing’s India Project, Lighthouse, for the last 20 years. Starting with a pen pal from Lighthouse Children’s home at age 5, to visiting the project nine times. “India has captured my heart and has deeply shaped who I am as a person today. I greatly admire the dedication of Solomon and Clara [our project directors]. They have been an example to me of what it means to serve God whole heartedly”. Brenna has started Hearts Flourishing in order to connect project directors around the world to resources they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. “My hope is to connect with other leaders around the world that are active in creating change in their community. I believe that when we work together, we have the ability to create great change”. Brenna is passionate about supporting people at all levels. “There is no problem too ‘small’ or ‘insignificant’ to be addressed”.

  • Chris was raised and educated in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She worked in retail and food service management for over thirty years. The skills she learned throughout her career have been irreplaceable in her work as our treasurer. For many years Chris has supported our project in Chennai, India from the US side with her organization and dedication to the project.

    “I also have a heart for those struggling with homelessness and am excited to see where Hearts Flourishing can aid in that”.

  • Treasurer

    Rachel Carroll is an elementary school teacher with a passion for global work and a heart for sharing God's love with children. Rachel's interest in global work is reflected in her experiences studying abroad in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand during college, her internship at the US Department of State's Foreign Service Institute, and the completion of an international service project in Peru while in college. In addition to her passion for global work, Rachel also has extensive background in economics. She earned her

    BS in economics at the University of Maryland, where she was a global fellow.

    She put her knowledge of economic principals into practice as a cost analyst for a defense contractor, as an intern for the Federal Reserve, and as an intern for an international nonprofit connected to the University of Maryland. Rachel is deeply committed to sharing God's love locally and internationally.

  • Secretary

    April is a California resident whose passion is working with children. She has had a career as both a teacher and a librarian. Because of her many international friends, she has been inspired to know more people from other countries. This combined with her desire to live out her faith and share it with nations has been a powerful foundation for her mission work in the Amazon and Haiti. She and her husband (Steve) live by faith, serving people locally and internationally.

    “I believe that education both secular and spiritual is the key to shaping one's future. I also believe that international health initiatives take care of the body while feeding the mind and spirit. [Looking at our project in India] I'm excited to see how these children's lives will be blessed through this ministry. I look forward to their influence on the future of India. I also know that God uses non-profits to lift up, encourage, and strengthen those doing the work in India. I pray that He will be known through the people and the work done.”

  • Sheri worked in Corporate Finance for several years in her 20s. Following a major brain surgery she found that she was no longer able to excel at their job and returned to school to pursue physical therapy! Sheri has been a licensed PTA for 28 years working in acute and subacute settings, and for the last 12 years has owned her own business, providing physical therapy and hope, to patients in the comfort of their own homes.

    “I was fortunate to have been raised in a loving Christian home, and got to see extreme poverty during annual mission trips to Mexico during my high school and college years. Those times were formative and shaped how I view money, happiness, and ministry. I believe that Jesus’ followers have so much joy, hope and love that we cannot keep these to ourselves! If Jesus were present on the earth again today, I have no doubt he would continue to help widows, orphans, refugees, and all others who are vulnerable. I am excited to get to have a part in loving some of those special ones through Hearts Flourishing”.

    Sheri’s hope for Hearts Flourishing is that we are able to provide love, joy, and hope to many kids and adults who are disadvantaged, and that they would come to know Jesus, the Creator of all good things!