Our Mission

 In response to God’s love, making those who feel unseen seen and unloved loved by caring for their emotional, physical, and psychological well-being

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them” (1 John 4:16, NIV)

We have the privilege of being a transit for God’s love when we interact with others. There is no one that God does not love unconditionally and there is no one that he does not wish us, as his hands and feet, to serve. We desire to bring God’s love into others lives by caring for others emotional, physical, and psychological (including spiritual) well being.  At Hearts Flourishing we unite donors, prayer warriors, project directors, and board members together as the body of Christ to further his work on earth. 

Hearts Flourishing is an organization that is committed to being a bridge between those that would like to take on a supportive role in transforming the lives of others, and those that have been called to work hands on with people.  We acknowledge that all persons are created with different strengths and skills. 

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (Peter 4:10, NIV) 

Some people are asked by God to be laborers in their communities. These individuals are dedicated to improving their communities, but often don’t have access to the resources they need to make the largest impact possible. Others of us are blessed financially, with prayer, or in other ways of support that play just as important of a role in creating long lasting change. Our goal as an organization is to help project directors (those leading, and being a force in their communities) get connected to recourses that will make their impact tenfold. We are connecting these people, locally and internationally so that they can work as the hands and feet, making change that can last for generations. What is your gift of service?

We believe it is important to have a team and to work alongside project directors that align with our values. Our mission statement is “In response to God’s love, making those who feel unseen seen and unloved loved by caring for their emotional, physical, and psychological well-being”. All of our projects will meet this goal. Not only this, but Hearts Flourishing is dedicated to making sure that donations are able to make the biggest impact possible. Our board of directors is volunteer based, meaning that they are unpaid and are serving in their role because of their passion and belief in the work that is being done. This means 100% of donations received will be used to further the work being done. Project directors will be vetted to assure that they are committed with their time, meticulous with resource allocation, and devoted to the community they serve.

If you would like to get to know more about our partners, click here.

If you would like to be taken to our donations page, click here.